Privacy Notice – Olympus Metaverse AR


This Privacy Notice provides an overview of the processing of your personal data when using Olympus Metaverse AR.


1      Important notice on capturing your surroundings

Olympus Metaverse AR is created to improve Olympus’ support by showing your surroundings to Olympus’ support staff. When using Olympus Metaverse AR please to not capture any other person unless these persons have agreed to being shown. Only capture personal data if this is absolutely necessary in order to support you.

2      Controller, Contact and Data Protection Officer


Controller of the personal data processed is the respective Olympus company you are contacting with Olympus Metaverse AR. Please see our list of all Olympus companies globally.


Olympus Metaverse AR is provided to all other Olympus companies by the


Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
Wendenstraße 20
20097 Hamburg, Deutschland
Tel/Fax: +4940 - 23773 - 0
E-Mail for privacy related inquiries:


You may also approach the Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG directly. Please state which Olympus company you are in contact with and/or in which country you are established, so the Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG can connect you to the eligible Olympus company.

For written inquiries to the eligible Olympus Data Protection Officer, please send an email to the above address.

3      Purposes and Legal Bases of Processing

3.1       Live Video Call and Support

The main feature of Olympus Metaverse AR is to establish a Video Call with your device and connect you to Olympus support, which will then be able to see what your device’s camera captures and provide you with troubleshooting and help. Olympus support will also be able to create screenshots and add markings to these to better explain and highlight certain visuals.


To create the connection with Olympus Support, you may choose to receive a one time code from Olympus Support which you can enter in Olympus Spaces AR. This method does not necessitate a registration, but you will have to provide an E-mail-address to send the code. Alternatively, you may register with Olympus Spaces AR and establish the connection to Olympus support via your personal area.


For this purpose, we process the following categories of data:


·        Name, E-mail-address, password (if you choose to register (optional))

·        Video, audio and chat messages from the call

·        Screenshots taken and markings added

·        Device ID, IP Address


The legal basis for processing your personal data for this purpose is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. We are processing your personal data in order to support you as a part of executing the contract between Olympus and yourself or the entity you work for.

3.2       Documentation

Olympus Support will save screenshots and added markings and annotations for documentation purposes and to improve further on its services.


For this purpose, generally no processing of personal data is necessary besides the information with the video call was had. Screenshots will not show any persons or personal data unless this is absolutely necessary to document the cause that necessitates support, the solution, or the support provided.


If personal data is processed in this way, the legal basis is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, as Olympus has a legitimate interest in properly documenting services rendered and using the experience and insights gained in service to improve upon these services, which is not overridden by the data subject’s interests.

4      Data Recipients

Olympus Metaverse AR is enabled by our suppliers, which process personal data on the controller’s behalf:


Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
Wendenstraße 20
20097 Hamburg, Germany




Lise-Meitner-Str. 13, Science Park II
89081 Ulm, Germany


5      Data Transfers outside the EU/EEA

Your personal data will generally be processed within the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA). If a transfer of data from Olympus to other Olympus companies or to third parties becomes necessary for the fulfilment of the data processing purposes, Olympus will ensure that personal data of the data subject remain within the EU or EEA.


If this is not possible and a transfer of personal data to a third country becomes necessary, e.g. to other Olympus companies or cooperation partners in third countries such as Japan or the USA, Olympus will ensure that a legal basis exists for this. These are usually


·        consent pursuant to art. 6 (1) (a) and art. 49 (a) GDPR

·        the existence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission (art. 45 GDPR). A published and constantly updated list of these countries is available for you to view here:;

·        Use of safeguards in the form of data protection standard contractual clauses (art. 46 (2) (b) GDPR) of the European Commission when transferring data to a third country. A published and constantly updated list of the clauses is available for you to view here:

6      Data Retention and Deletion

Personal data will generally only be used as long as it is necessary for the respective purpose, unless you have given Olympus consent or Olympus has a legitimate interest in further processing.

7      Your Rights as a Data Subject

As a Data Subject, you have the following rights vis-à-vis Olympus:


·        Information on the personal data stored about you (data categories, processing purposes, recipients of the data, if applicable, planned storage period), art. 15 GDPR

·        Rectification of incorrect or incomplete data, art. 16 GDPR

·        Erasure (in certain cases), art. 17 GDPR

·        Restriction of Processing (in certain cases), art. 18 GDPR

·        Data Portability (in certain cases), art. 20 GDPR

·        Right to object, art. 21 GDPR

·        Withdrawal of consent (effective for future processing), art. 7 (3) GDPR,


These rights are subject to any other legal requirements to the contrary, as prescribed in the GDPR.


If you exercise your right to erasure, objection or withdrawal of consent, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.


In the case of a request for information or correction that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that Olympus will then require proof of your identity. This serves in particular to protect your data from unauthorised access by third parties.


To exercise these rights, you can contact us at any time - e.g. via one of the contact channels indicated at the beginning of this data protection information, e.g. using the e-mail address


In addition, you are entitled under Article 77 of the GDPR to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection supervisory authority.

8      Automated Decision Making and Profiling

We do not use your data for automated decision making or profiling (art. 22 (1) GDPR).

9      Updates to this Privacy Notice

We regularly update this Privacy Notice when legal, technical or economic conditions change. You will always find the current version of this Privacy Notice at this place.



Last Changed: 23.11.2022